Stress appears to be the trigger for all of our body's unrest, complications, and health difficulties. Stress may not alter the shape of our pectus excavatum deformity.

Still, it does change the overall image of our inner and invisible health. Remember that anytime you experience a health issue, you must ensure that your physical health is in good working order.

Allowing yourself to have a physical health condition and neglecting it will only worsen everything, including your mental well-being.

However, after you have ensured that everything is in order with your health and that your negative sensation is still dissipating, it is time to pay attention to your inner and mental state.

Yes, you guessed it, I'm talking about stress and its negative consequences!

What is Stress

A state of emotional or bodily strain refers to stress. It appears in our bodies of an incident, idea, or situation that causes a dissatisfaction, furious, or anxious feeling.

Your body's reaction to a challenge or need is called stress. Stress may be beneficial in brief spurts, such as when it helps you escape danger or achieve a deadline.

Stress is harmful to your health if it lasts for an extended period. We always hear that stress is bad for us, and as we grow more conscious, we understand how true this is.

Stress begins quietly, silently, as the tiniest sort of uneasiness, but if that sensation persists, it might materialize physically.

Of course, the link between your sunken chest deformity and stress may not be visible initially, but it undeniably exists. As someone with this abnormality, I frequently get heaviness and pressure in my chest when I am nervous, tense, or stressed.

These physical signs of stress are typical for everyone. Still, I believe my tachycardia is much stronger when I am anxious because of my deformity.

It Is Normal

We must understand that stress is a natural part of human life. We can say that it certainly appears every day due to new lifestyles.

The new fast life has its advantages but also huge drawbacks. One of the primary causes is undoubted, stress.

Types of Stress

Stress divides into two main subgroups:

Acute Stress

It is a temporary tension that will pass fast and is controllable. It assists you in dealing with potentially troublesome circumstances.

It can also happen when you accomplish something unknown or intriguing. Everyone experiences intense stress at some point in their lives. Acute stress refers to symptoms that appear fast but do not stay long.

When I experience this type of stress, I instantly get a slight heart arrhythmia and shortness of breath due to my pectus excavatum deformity.

In such critical moments, we must find a way to ease the symptoms and, if we must make an important decision, to be able to calm down and think more clearly.

Chronic Stress

That type of tension lasts a long time. Suppose you are experiencing problems regularly, and you feel unable to find a solution. In that case, you may be suffering from chronic stress.

Whether financial, familial, or work-related issues, please be careful and find a meditative solution for you and your inner peace. Chronic stress can be any form that lasts for weeks or months.

Chronic stress might become so habitual that you're unaware it's an issue. That type of stress can easily lead to health problems if you don't learn to control it.

Over a lengthy period, a persistent impression of being pressed and overwhelmed can cause hard physical symptoms.

Dangers of Stress

Chronic stress might exacerbate a health issue if you already have one. The autonomic nervous system controls your heart rate, respiration, vision, and other bodily functions.

The body's built-in stress reaction, known as the fight-or-flight response, assists it in dealing with stressful conditions.

Continuous activation stress response creates wear and tear on the body under long-term (chronic) stress. Symptoms appear in the form of physical, emotional, and behavioral manifestations.

If you are stressed, you can't be that aware of the symptoms caused by stress. You may know that you feel nervous and exhausted, but what it does in our body, we can't tell.

Stress is a subjective experience that we can't measure with testing. Only the individual who has it can tell if it is there and how terrible it is. Doctors often use questionnaires to understand our situation, the source of stress, and how that impacts us.

Doctors assess stress-related symptoms if you have chronic stress. I did Paul Chek's stress questionnaire in his fantastic book How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy. It was then that I understood how stressed I was.

Chest Pain & Stress

Physical pain and stress are directly linked. Anxiety in our bodies can have a variety of negative consequences.

However, as people with concave chest abnormalities, we are the most concerned about chest discomfort and difficulties breathing. Everything is connected, and the signals from the brain go everywhere in our body!

When we're worried, our brain releases adrenaline and cortisol into our system. These hormones can cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

As a result of these symptoms, many people suffer from chest discomfort, hard chest pain, and difficulty breathing.

In these stressful situations, all the physical signs are similar to the symptoms of a heart attack, and that feeling is scary.

Activate Law of Control

When we feel stressed, our body releases hormones. These chemicals alert the brain, muscles stiffen, and the pulse elevates. All these emotions are beneficial since they can assist us in dealing with stressful circumstances.

That is our body's defense mechanism, and it's so natural. Much information is available about the harmful impact of stress on our bodies. But there isn't much advice on how to deal with it.

Listen to Your Body

I don't believe that dealing with stress is a magic recipe to make us stress-free. On the contrary, dealing with stress is possible if done correctly and controlled. My first advice is to constantly pay attention to yourself and listen to your gut feeling.

Our magnificent body is such precise machinery, and if we learn to listen to the body's voice, it can tell us a lot that we need to know.

Paying attention to yourself when anything makes you feel bad or good, feeling it deep inside, can help you in life, and know that most of the time is true!

The best thing about the law of control is that we can learn it! We can comprehend it, and all we need to do now is to put what we've learned into practice.

The law of control is a natural rule that no one can ignore. I am talking about self-control and thoughts-control, which are later responsible for our actions.

At the same time, you need to know that you are responsible for accepting the natural rules and then acting on them smartly and in a controlled way!

Remove Burden of Negative Thoughts

Removing negative thoughts does not mean living in an illusion. It means only to respect the beauty of every day and every new chance, that is, to see and seek beauty.

At the same time, I would mention the balance in living. We must know that life offers unpleasant moments, but our job is to accept them with an open heart and continue to fight and overcome them.

How Thoughts Relate to Stress

Many individuals are unaware that their ideas, beliefs, and feelings may contribute to stress.

When we accept the rules of nature, we will immediately feel a lightness from the very fact that not everything is always in our control. Only ourselves and our thoughts are under our control.

Remember, this is not a spiritual message; on the contrary, it is a biological and natural, innate power of every human being. What one needs to do is to awaken and activate that power.

How Negativity Controlled Me

As someone with this deformity, I remember feeling indifferent in many situations from an early age.

The feeling that something was wrong with my body, deep inside me and perhaps often unconsciously, put pressure on me to live up to my full potential.

Win that fight required determination but also a lot of work. I have read many books by great thinkers that give motivation and strength to me.

And I decided that instead of thinking negatively, I would take a big breath and remind myself that I would do this for myself.

There Is Hope

Remind yourself that no matter how little or big the problem is, there is always a solution, and knowing that helps!

Do this regularly whenever you begin to think negatively; the positive will quickly become a part of your everyday thinking.

Everything requires practice. Just as our physical body requires exercise, so does our mental part, which needs training and maintenance to become stronger.

9 Effective Solutions

In that sense, there are several main exercises for our soul and brain, some of which are the most influential for me are the following:


This tool, which you have probably heard a million times, is worth a go. We use the idea that we don't know how to meditate as an excuse.

Meditation will become easier for you if you stop viewing it as a condition in which no thoughts pass. Meditation is a simple way of teaching our brain to return faster and focus solely on breathing.

Writing / Journaling

Whenever I feel like I'm sinking into a problem, I immediately write it down in my diary.

I don't do this often, only when I'm feeling a need for it. I know many of my close people who practice it often, and we share the opinion that it helps.

Writing down our thoughts can often lead us to realize that a problem is not as big as it seems at the moment in our heads. Try it! You can't lose anything!

You will immediately feel lighter and emptier. You will not carry the burden of that thought with you.

And, of course, there are no rules. Write down whatever comes to mind. No rules, no principles or ways. Don't be intolerant of yourself!

You can take a minute at the end of each day to reflect on what you've accomplished that day rather than what you haven't, and you will feel self-love more and more each day.

Walking & Exercising

I am 100% sure that my workout routine helps me to survive any pressure that seems stressful.

Physical activity helps you stay healthy by reducing stress. It is so connected to our bodies. From inside to outside, a calm mind leads to the right decisions.

Almost any form of exercise will be beneficial. Many individuals find that exercising big muscle groups in a repeating manner is the most effective, and we call it muscular meditation.

Walking and jogging are also effective for someone who does not have any equipment. A short 20-minute walk or hike might help cleanse the mind and relieve tension. Give it a try!

I guarantee that you will feel a lot better right after your workout. Also, you will see improvement in your body image, which is crucial for someone with pectus excavatum.


Yoga can help you reach the body and mind harmony and peace, which we need when we don't feel our best. It can help you in relaxing and cope with tension and anxiety.

Yoga as a form of spending negative energy helps people cope with stress and anxiety. Yoga can make you feel better about yourself and improve your mood.

Being consistent with yoga will for sure manage your anxiety. I am taking this from my own experience, and I can tell that yoga works immediately!

Breathing Exercises

Learn how to manage your breathing in such stressful times. Find your best way. There are many practices of different breathing techniques that you can use.

The following is an example that I often use of deep breathing exercises when I feel stressed, anxious, or feel tightness in my chest due to my deformity:

  • Inhale slowly and deeply, pushing your stomach out to fully engage your diaphragm, and count to four.
  • Count to seven while holding your breath.
  • Slowly exhale, counting to eight while thinking – I am relaxed.
  • Repeating the cycle five to ten times is recommended, mainly focusing on deep and slow breathing each time.
  • Go back to your normal breathing rhythm when your feel satisfied.


When anxious, we frequently skip meals or overeat as a coping mechanism. When we have low energy, the natural impulse is to reach for a quick treat, usually something heavy in sugar like candy or cookies.

To stop this state and prevent our health, we must pay attention to what we're eating, why we're consuming it, and how much we're eating.

Maintain a food diary if you realize you're grabbing food when you're not hungry and figure out what's causing you to eat.

Keep healthful items in your house for meals and snacks like almonds or dry fruits to prevent an unhealthy eating routine.

In stressful situations, you should avoid caffeine and alcohol because they can often manifest with tachycardia. Try healthier alternative drinks, such as decaffeinated hot or cold drinks, and water with a slice of lemon.

Be sure to choose nutritious and unprocessed foods that do not give us anything unhealthy in our bodies. Choose to consume foods that will be effective on all of our health. Foods rich in protein are our best friends.

Keep With Good people

Maintain relationships with people who can calm you down, make you joyful, and offer emotional support. Find someone who can help you or someone that can only listen to you, because sometimes that's just what we need!

You can rely on your friends, family members, or neighbors to become good listeners or share everyday tasks with them.

But, also a therapist is an option that we need to consider when we feel down. Talking to a therapist or healthcare practitioner about your problems is a good idea.

Stress Ball / Handgrip

Stress balls help relieve stress and tension, but pressing them may have other health benefits. By squeezing a stress ball, nerves and muscles in our body activate and contract, making them stronger.

The strength helps the neurological system, lessening stress hormones and lowering stress levels. I use a handgrip that my brother bought, and I must admit it helps me.


  • Reduce your blood pressure
  • Boost creativity and attention
  • Strengthens arm muscles
  • Better sleeping routine

Hand Grippers have the same purpose, but I would recommend them for those who, in the meantime, want to strengthen the muscles of the arm. Their function is more purposeful, and that is their benefit.

Also, their advantage is that they can be adjusted depending on the degree of strength you want to have. You can carry them with you because all models of these stress relief gadgets are usually small and easy to use.

This simple hand exercise occurs to retrain the nervous system and its potential to develop blood pressure control levels.

  • Use it by squeezing the hand gripper for about 2 minutes with one hand.
  • Rest for 30 seconds and then repeat with the other hand.

Embrace Stress

It may sound crazy, but if we embrace the stress and accept its presence, the situation will immediately become possible to control.

According to recent research, dealing with anxiety and stressful situations might make you smarter, stronger, and more successful. Indeed, research demonstrates that embracing stress rather than avoiding it leads to better health and happiness.

'Welcoming' stress might alter your perception of yourself and your abilities. With that, you can change your world and your perception of your reality.

Accepting with an open heart and open eyes everything that life offers you can assist you in identifying your personal qualities, courage, and compassion.

Learning to appreciate the positive in stress and to see it as a friend rather than an enemy will help you face and overcome life's obstacles.

Accepting the pectus excavatum deformity is our reality, and as something that we must battle can only lead to brilliant solutions.

We will not alter or achieve anything if we persistently hide behind our uneven chest structure. We'll only be able to live in misery.

I'm sure many of us have spent years convincing ourselves to change something. The same was true for me. When I was much younger, I thought that deformity would bother me until my last day, making me anxious until I decided to improve it by myself.

Positive messages have been prevalent recently. We can realize that it's often fake positivity, but it would be nice for everyone to learn at least part of it!

Pectus and Covid-19 Stress

Living with the current pandemic оf COVID-19 has caused drastic changes in our lives. The Pandemic has managed to change the essential drivers in our daily lives.

Socializing, human contact, and communication have suddenly stopped, and that causes extreme changes in us.

Everyone is affected by these changes. Living in constant fear and stress for the past two years leaves quiet traces in us and disturbs our peace.

A man enters a continual deficit of healthy and most required hormones for happiness and pleasure as we stop doing regular activities that make us alive.

I have experienced that feeling of unfulfillment even though all my friends and family shared that feeling.

Sooner or later, during these two years, every one complained of disturbed inner peace from worrying about the future, self-esteem, and similar problems that arise and are closely related to anxiety and depression.

Many people have lost their loved ones due to complications with COVID-19, and all that leaves a mark. In that sense, I suggest you not be afraid to speak and say how you feel. If you do not have someone close to you, seek professional help!

All this will end one day, the most important thing is, of course, to survive this pandemic, but we must not allow it to endanger our health in any other way. So make time for walking in nature or any physical activity.

After working or studying for a prolonged period, do a short workout, move your body, and stay in shape until you function freely again.

But maybe our reality will change forever after this pandemic, so we must find a place in that new reality and adapt our needs to the new conditions.

Avoid Negative Media

Take a break from the news, internet articles, and everything connected with the pandemic. It's crucial to be informed, but hearing about the pandemic constantly every day can be distressing.

Consider limiting your news consumption and filling your time more with practical physical activities that will keep your attention.

Taking Quality Time for Yourself

This will allow you to better care for others. It's crucial to remain in touch with friends and family during times of social isolation.

Phone talks or video chats are the best way to assist others in coping with stress. We can feel less lonely during these trying times thanks to the internet.


The harmfulness of stress can be named one of the leading causes of physical and mental illnesses. It's natural and healthy to be stressed from time to time.

But, long-term stress results in all forms and causes behavioral problems. By using a few basic ways, you can relieve and manage stress. However, if you are feeling overwhelmed, speak with your doctor.

In that regard, I ask you to be careful and selective with the things that worry and annoy you. Prioritize things that are worthy of your energy! Try to realize the negative impact of negative thoughts and stress, and finally accept it!

Do not lose hope. There are ways and solutions to any of your problems. Giving up is not a solution. The vital force in you can overcome everything.

With the proper lifestyle and healthy habits that will be your engine, you can overcome any obstacle.

You can also fix your deformity if you have a strong desire to do so. Please, contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your malformation, and I would be pleased to assist you.

This website covers a spectrum of subjects related to pectus excavatum deformity. I hope this is of assistance to you!

13 Sources

Written by Mihail Veleski, CPT

DUKE Institute - ISSA Recognized CPT, helping thousands improve their pectus excavatum non-surgically since 2015 with scientific methods.

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— Pectus Specialized Coach

I am Mihail Veleski an ISSA Recognized DUKE Institute Certified Personal Trainer, the person behind this website. Established in 2015, Pectus Excavatum Fix (Now Mr. Pectus), has helped thousands of people improve their sunken chest deformity, both physically and mentally.

I pride myself on ensuring the information and methods I share are tried by me and backed by research. I improved my concave chest and rib flare deformities non-surgically.

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